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September 12, 2011
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Wednesday, September 12, 2011 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were members: Members Rick Lee and John Casey, Investigator for the Board, Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk. Absent was Robert St. Pierre, chairman of the board.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Evan Buso Jarnis.
         Mr. St. Pierre asked what he was looking to perform.
        Mr. Buso-Jarnis said that he does a family magic show and has been in Salem for 6 years.
        Mr. Casey said that the LB can place Street Performers.
        Mr. Buso –Jarnis asked if that was in the B5 zone.
        Mr. Casey said that it would be but that he would be specifically placed .
        Lt. Ouellette said because of complaints and big crowds last year.
        Mr. Casey said that he can work with Ms. Pagliaro or Ms. Talkowsky to find a spot.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve with condition that he move away from Rita’s.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Stephen Marcotte.
        Mr. Marcotte said he wanted to do like last year and play harmonica and dress as a vampire.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules and regulations of the license.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approved.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.  
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Derek Purdy
        Mr. St. Pierre asked him what he would like to perform.
        Mr. Purdy said is a movement artist and performs juggling.  He said he is fairly skilled and has done it for 4 years.  
        Mr. Casey asked if he heard the rules that he previously explained.
        Mr. Purdy said he did.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Jacob Turnbloom.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he would like to perform.
        He said he plays folk tunes on guitar with no amplification.
        Mr. Casey asked if he heard and understood the rules and regulations previously given.
        Mr. Turnbloom said he did.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Lottery:        2011 Haunted Happening Vendor Lottery for spaces during the month of October.
        Names of vendors and spot numbers were placed in an envelope and drawn by members of the audience.
        Ixca Flores of Yarina Threads asked Mr. St. Pierre about his spot in the lottery in addition to his store spot and asked if he could be placed outside of the lottery.
        Lt. Ouellette explained that this is among family.
        Mr. Casey said we cannot discriminate against anyone who is vending.
        Mr. St. Pierre said the LB cannot get in the middle of what is a family issue.
        Space #                                 Vendor

  • Rimay Cachimuel
  • Jose Cachimuel
  • Ixca Flores
  • Luis Cachimuel
  • Linda Fiffy
  • Donald Prue
  •                                                Amadou Kane
  • Kaya Cachimuel
  • Ben Bornstein
  • John Wells
  • Rumni Cachimuel
  • Zak Farid
Approved:       Blanket License for various vending and entertainment Haunted Happenings events in October, including Biz Baz for the Chamber. Applicant: Ellen Talkowsky.
         Mr. Casey motioned to approve
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for Once Day Liquor License. Applicant: Joann Scott for Salem Boys and Girls Club.
        Ms. Scott said this is a fundraiser. She said that Salem Five gets a certain number of appearances with Red Sox players and they are donating one to the Club. She said Dustin Pedroia will be there and it will be a cash bar.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive fee.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for an Entertainment License. Applicant: Lucy Corchado for Latino Fest in Derby Sq on Sept 17th from 12pm-6pm at Derby Sq.
        Ms. Corchado said this is in lieu of the regular Spanish festival that will not happen this year because lack of funding. She said however they wanted to have something to keep the momentum going. She said there will be health screenings and dental screenings and kids friendly activities and some food.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a Pledge of License. Applicant: Salem Beer Works. Present: Joe Slesar.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the documents to Pledge the license to Rockland Trust. He said that everything seems to be in order.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Continued:      Application for a Lodging House license at 10 Howard Street. Applicant: Reja Mojtabi. Present: David LeBlanc, current owner and Mr. Mojtabi, applicant.  
        Mr. Casey asked Mr. LeBlanc how long this lodging house has been there.
        Mr. Leblanc said that it was his fathers and he took it over from his dad in 1999.
        Mr. Casey said the application states that the applicant is from Winchester.
        Mr. Mojtabi said that he is from Winchester and that he is an investor. He said that the financing is through Mr. LeBlanc.
        Mr. Casey asked if he had any experience in running a lodging house.
        Mr. Mojtabi said that he has other rental properties.
        Mr. Casey asked the price of the Lodging House.
        Mr. LeBlanc said that it has 15 rooms and he is selling it for $500,000.
        Mr. Mojtabi said that Mr. Leblanc will still be around to help out.
        Mr. Casey said that he the building inspector, Mr. St. Pierre will set up and appointment to check each and every room in the Lodging House.
        Councilor Sosnowski asked how many rooms there were and how will they accommodate for parking.
        Mr. LeBlanc said that only one tenant has a car and there is no parking for the building.
        Joe Homan owner of 1 Kimball Court said that he has owned the property for 10 years and lived there for 5. he said that there are a lot of problems there. He said the BOH has been out there and police are there all the time.
        Mr. Casey suggested that if there are continued problems there that he send an email to the Licensing Department to let the LB know.
        Mr. Homan said he has spoken several times to the old manager previously.
        Mr. St. Pierre said he should let the LB know of any problems directly.
        Mr. Casey said that his intent is to make sure that the entire building is up to code.
        Mr. Homan asked if it would be possible to share the new owners contact information with the abutters.
        Joan Hathaway owns 8 Howard Street. She said that there are always problems with trash and noise. She said that she has already lost a tenant because of it.
        Matt Fallon said he lives at 6 Howard Street. He asked if this was grandfathered in and said there are many police calls to this address.
        Mr. Casey said that the numbers of lodging houses in the city are less than they used to be. The number has gone from 25 to 15.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that this would be continued until the September 26th meeting after the Lb had a chance to inspect as well.
        Mr. Casey said the LB is not satisfied until they do an inspection of the property and the application will be heard on the 26th once that is done.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application to approve a Restaurant All Alcohol Liquor License. Applicant: Franco-Paradise, Inc. d/b/a Bangkok Paradise, 90 Washington Street. Present: Mulliga Wanapha, current owner, JP Story, Jesus Franco and Yasaris Cappelan.
Mr. Casey and Attorney Story had a short discussion about the ABCC needing to see the money trail.
Mr. Casey asked if they have isolated the cost of the liquor license out of the purchase price.
Attorney Story said that they did not itemize it.
Mr. Casey asked if they could estimate.
Ms. Wanapha said $80,000
Mr. Casey said that is a new high and that the last license transferred for around $60,000.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve the Transfer.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.
There was a discussion about operating hours and Entertainment.
Mr. Casey asked to note the contact information for the manager and owner and asked whose role was what.
Mr. Franco said he is the owner and the president.
Ms. Cappelan said that she will be the manager.
Mr. Casey said that they and all the servers must be TIPS certified and must submit copies of the certification to the Department. He said there have been issues with this before and the LB has to be diligent because this is a college town.
Mr. Franco said the hours would be from 11am-1am everyday.
Mr. Casey asked when they planned to open.
Mr. Franco said next month.
Mr. Casey said to come back to the LB on the 26th once he knows what he wants to ask for as far as entertainment. He also said to note that the license will cover bathrooms and storage on the application not anything to be held downstairs.
Mr. Lee reviewed closing time procedures with the applicant.

Discussion:     Pat Hagen from the Ward II Social Club 1-3 East Collins Street.
        Mr. Hagen wanted to inform the LB in person that he is no longer the manager of the Club. He said that he resigned on  August 27th.
        Lt. Ouellette said that he spoke with Pat and told him to come before the LB to tell them on record that he resigned as manager.
        Mr. Hagen said that he did not want any liability if anything happened.  
        Mr. Lee asked about what happened at the club.
        Mr. Hagen described to the LB that there was a 2009 audit by the state and that meals taxes were owed that he did not know about which resulted in a lot of financial issues. He said that the VFW was interested in buying the building and the members voted it down.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve the withdrawal of Mr. Hagen as Ward II manager.  
        Mr. Casey seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.       

Approved:       Application for a Change of Manger. Applicant: Lorraine Cody, Ward II Social Club.
        Present: Lorraine Cody, proposed manager and Nick Gordon, acting President.
        Ms. Cody said that the entire Board resigned except for Nick Gordon. She said that she has been a member for many years and can do this until the club can find a permanent manager. She said that the members are going to try and save the club and have already raised $11,000 in 9 days.  
        She says they have hired an attorney and a forensic account to go through everything. She said that the club has been there since 1948 and it’s purpose is to sustain brotherhood in the community and it is worth trying to save.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve Change of Manger.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries. 

Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Aidan  Scrimgeour.
        Mr. Casey asked what he would like to perform.
        Mr. Scimgeour said that he plays music on a piano. He asked if other people can play with him.
        Mr. Casey said that they can come to the LB to apply. He reviewed the rules and regulations with him.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries. 

Approved:       Application for a Seasonal All Alcohol License. Applicant: Essex NY & Deli. Present: Jimmy and Niktaria Parkiotis.
        Niktaria said that they are looking for a Seasonal B&W to be able to keep up with other business downtown during the busy seasons.
        Mr. Casey said that there are criteria that was established in 2009 and that their establishment does not really fit the requirements.
        Niktaria asked about Engine House and Upper Crust. She said she is in no disrespectful of the LB but would like to know how their business differs.     
        Mr. Casey said that the Engine House license predated the criteria set forth in 2009 and the Uppercrust developed the corner of Essex and Washington Streets.
        Niktaria said that she understands the criteria but does not understand that she is not being allowed to compete.
        Mr. St. Pierre said maybe the LB should put off voting on this application until the next meeting.
        Councilor Sosnowski suggested that maybe they change the name of the business to fit the criteria under diversification.
         Niktaria said that they work 80 hours a weeks at their business. She said the mall closes at 9:30pm so they would not be open later than that. She said that she needs this to be able to fairly compete.
        Mr. Lee suggested the LB look into it further.
        Lt. Ouellette says that the law for Seasonal liquor licenses is to give to business that have an increase of tourist certain times of the year and they certainly fit that being in the downtown.
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve the Seasonal B&W license.
        Mr. Casey seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

ications:       NONE            

Business:       Mr. Casey asked that The Lyceum and the Exchange on Congress be called into the next meeting for a discussion on the status of their licenses and that Mr. Morris, owner of the Lodging House at 43 Boston Street be called in for his failure to renew his 2011 license.

Approved:       Meeting Minutes from September July13, 2011.  
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.

ment:   Mr. Casey motioned to adjourn
        Mr. Lee seconded.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: September 21, 2011
Approved: September 26, 2011